Back to the Volcano Island

Still trying to get rid of the last remnants of the cold that I caught while traveling with my father these last few weeks, I had a funny moment where I emerged from my apartment and was completely shocked to discover that not only is it sunny today but it is also freaking WARM. Granted, I try to keep my apartment as dark and cave-like as possible to protect my vampiric gaijin-whiteness from anything that even closely resembles direct sunlight, but I thought it was at least safe to assume that since yesterday it was pouring rain and freezing cold that today would be somewhat similar. WRONG.

So, half-blind, I stagger over to the grocery store (no, there are no conbini here) to buy more fluids. People who know me are aware of the fact that I need to consume bizarrely large amounts of water/tea/diet soda everyday because my body tends to dehydrate like a Sham-Wow in the middle of Death Valley. This also means that I get extreme hangovers every single time I drink ANY alcohol WHATSOEVER. But, anyways…back to the fluid-seeking expedition. Let me just take the opportunity to state the obvious and say that I am not a Japanese girl. This means that I have not been raised to feel that it is necessary to put on a full face of makeup, curl my hair into some ridiculous up-do, and wear ankle-braking high heels for a visit to the grocery store to buy precious, life-giving water (or in my case, CC Lemon Zero, which is probably slowly giving me cancer). However, I am aware that I probably committed at least 5 Japanese faux pas by venturing out into public in workout clothes and hair THAT WAS STILL WET FROM THE SHOWER. For shame, Constantine! Still, I don’t necessarily know if that merits me being suspiciously stared at by everyone in the grocery store like I am about to break open a deadly vial of the ebola virus and kill them all.

After that humbling experience, I returned to my evil lair of doom and proceeded to waste away an hour of my life following various YouTube links. I am confused and disturbed by the seeming extreme popularity of R&B music videos from Korea…

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Comments (4)

  1. Hikosaemon

    I love Korean RnB videos – first there’s a guy and a girl, then they fight and she runs away, then he gets beaten up by some gangstas while she cries alone at home, then they run randomly through town together and find each other again.

    Completely original every time.

    April 6, 2010
    • constantineintokyo

      Really? I love them because I get to see Korean girls dancing and sticky out their booties like the extras in American hip-hop videos.

      April 6, 2010
  2. Hikosaemon

    Actually, you have a point – I might be thinking more of ballads. I’m guessing you will already know this one, but for the record, the greatest Korean rnb track of all time;

    April 6, 2010
    • constantineintokyo

      Hahaha, fantastic! I particularly love the token blond girl. This video is going to make me want to flash gang signs at my students…yo.

      April 7, 2010

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